family, knitting, living

Garden Update June 2

Sorry I missed last week folks.  I’ve just been so busy.  I ordered a bunch of potato sets ans worked on the girls fairy garden trying to get it straightened out so that I can share it with the fairies.  I did check with them and they said ok.  So, I worked for 2 days pulling weeds and digging up weed bulb or seed…whatever it is that makes them keep coming up.  Then, I had to relay the stone.  That is where I ran into trouble.  I have never laid stone.  I have a pretty good understanding of how it should be done, but it turns out I lack one important piece of the puzzle…..the ability to pick up and move stone large enough to do what needs to be done.  Henry saw my handiwork and asked if I would like help.  Of course!  He had to take out 90% of my work and he worked on it on and off all week.  Bottom line….no potato bed, still.

The garden is changing on a daily basis now.  I got three squash mid-week and cooked them with onions.  They were very good, but three squash is not much.  Yesterday I picked 5 and I may get one or two more today.  That will be enough for a good mess.  I also have radishes coming out of my ears.  I found a recipe for braised radishes in Mark Bitman’s cookbook and will try those tonight as well.

My one big problem with the garden right now is cucumber beetles.  Now, don’t be fooled by the name.  They eat squash, cucumbers, melons…any cucurbit. I have used and organic repellant of essential oils and insecticidal soap.  Neither of these worked and I feel they may like it.  I am going to make some hot pepper spray today and see if that works.  I am trying not to use neem oil as it will kill beneficial bugs as well as the bad guys.  I bought a book called Good Bug, Bad Bug and she suggests using beneficial bugs to fight off pests.  The only problem is I am afraid I’m to late for that.  Nevertheless, I am getting produce….it just looks like I may have to share it with the bad guys this year!

2 responses

  1. “cucurbit”
    stop using that language young lady

    garden look sgreat. you had quite a pan full of squash yesterday! how did radi (plural of radishes ? ;P ) turn out.
    i’m so proud of you – garden, fresh produce, healthy cooking, smart bug control, laying (with help) walls…
    never cease to amaze me
    love you

    June 3, 2012 at 11:43 pm

  2. judy

    lookin really good. our garden is being slow, as are the gardeners . love ya, mama

    June 4, 2012 at 6:33 am