family, knitting, living

Archive for June, 2011

G is for Grateful

I have so many things to be grateful for this week.  As you may have noticed, I missed “G” last week.   We were in the Blue Ridge Mountains in GA with our best friends and their twins.  I have a number of photos to show you as proof positive that I have so much to be grateful for.  I’m grateful for a husband who is a better partner than I deserve and who is the father that the girls need; for my beautiful girls who find everything exciting and fresh; for my dearest friend who lets me be crazy while all the time gently nudging me toward a saner place;  for two amazing 15 year olds who are excellent role models and friends to my girls;  for my hubby’s best friend who is always there; and last, but not least, my snuggly bed, two cuddly cats and a cup of Earl Grey with my favorite cookies before bed.  

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PS>>>>> Check out more ABC Posts at the Accidental Knitter

F is for “Firsts”

It seems as if one experiences an endless parade of “firsts” when becoming a parent.  There are first steps, first words, first smiles.  Then life happens and we forget the everyday firsts we experience with our children.  I was looking through my recent photos for inspiration and found numerous pictures of our girls.  I realized that those everyday pictures are even more precious than I thought.  There are pictures of Grey and Mycah’s first ever May Fair at their amazing school.  There’s a picture of Grey’s first crocheted hat and her first knitted doll (with crocheted clothing), both done at aforementioned amazing school.  Our picnic with Zoe at the park (ok, I admit, not the first of the season and certainly not the last…but give a girl some poetic license, k) And lastly, there is a photo of my first time sitting knee to knee with my friend Camille embroidering names on the apron for Mycah’s teacher.

E is for Enlightened

e was a hard one for me.  I have chosen this word based on a random word generator, so I am really stretching here.  However, I am enlightened after my weekend with Lori.  Lori is my best friend and a master seamstress/costume designer/patterning instructor/college professor…etc.  She has been working with me for a couple of years on my sewing skills.  I have a high desire to learn, but apparently little patience.  I have been progressing steadily and have made two or three dresses for each of my girls, a skirt for each of them and a couple of tops for myself.  With hose items i learned to do pleats, to install and invisible zipper, do a buttonhole, elastic, hem and make small adjustments in a pattern.  the one thing that I have avoided at all cost has been bias tape.  I attempted a blouse from
One Piece Wearables that  made heavy use of boas tape before my sewing lessons with Lori.  I made the rookie mistake of trying to encase the raw edges in one pass and the result was so poor that I threw the entire lot in the trash!  I have avoided all bias since then.  well, that, my friends, is over.  Lori taught me some of the tricks of the trade regarding bias tape using the very same pattern that had kicked my butt before.  So…I have been enlightened…thanks to Lori.  No bias tape will ever kick me again!!!!